The last-minute guide to Black Friday and Cyber Monday

You promised it would be different, you vowed to start preparing in January, you were meant to have it all together months ago – and now Black Friday starts tomorrow, and you’ve done nothing. Welcome to our last-minute guide to Black Friday and Cyber Monday – we’re all friends here. Last-minute recap We know […]
Best eCommerce books for your Christmas list

You’re so busy fulfiling other people’s Christmas lists that you’ve probably not given yours a second thought. But with an opportunity to sit back and relax for at least a day over the festive period, you’ll want to ensure that these best eCommerce books are sitting in your stocking. 1. Shoe Dog by Phil […]
eCommerce returns best practice

More sales equal more returns – it’s a natural consequence of a busy Christmas season. But returns don’t have to be bad news for your eCommerce store. Find out why (and how) in this week’s blog on eCommerce returns best practice. Online returns are expected to increase by 27.3% over the next five years, costing […]
The 4 types of Christmas shoppers & how to target them

Nearly half of festive shoppers are doing all, or most, of their Christmas shopping online this year – giving you the perfect opportunity to expand your audience and increase sales. But first, these shoppers need to know who you are. To help, we’re examining the four types of Christmas shoppers and how to target them […]
Turning Christmas shoppers into regular customers

Christmas has been your busiest time of the year, attracting more sales, new customers and lots of spending. But, before you catch your breath and sit back with a glass of sherry (or two), have you thought about customer retention and turning your Christmas shoppers into regular customers? What is customer retention Customer retention is […]
2020 eCommerce trends – our 4 top predictions

You’ve made it to the end of another year, and what a year it’s been. But while you’ve been reminiscing about the past 12 months, we’ve been speaking to industry experts about their predicted 2020 eCommerce trends. So grab a pen and sit back as we share how to prepare for 2020. 1. Direct to […]
eBay to Xero – how to send orders
And so the end arrives in our “Selling on eBay” blog series. We’ve seen everything, from the best eBay listing tool and running an eBay advertising campaign to eBay SEO tools and eBay order management software. But, don’t worry, we’re not heading off until we’ve looked at finishing the whole process by sending orders from […]
6 ways AMP can help your eCommerce business’ conversion rates

Guest blog: We have stepped into a world where mobile is king and those embracing the platform are seeing significant returns. M-Commerce sales are predicted to make up 44.7% of total eCommerce sales this year – a 5% jump in one year. Never has there been a greater need for quicker loading mobile page speeds. […]
eCommerce Christmas SEO tips: Optimize Black Friday & Cyber Monday

It’s that’s time of year again when the high streets are mayhem, the turkey’s getting fat and the internet is awash with Christmas shoppers. But as millions of people rush to Google for that last-minute inspiration, Black Friday bargain and Cyber Monday steal, is your website there? This week, we’re sharing our top Christmas SEO […]
Cyber Monday – How to win on the busiest weekend of the year

Christmas is the busiest time of the year for retail. In 2018, retail sales in December broke the £50bn mark for the first time while Cyber Monday became the largest shopping day of the year. With little over a month until this year’s Black Friday/Cyber Monday weekend, we’re sharing our top tips for winning on […]
The importance of SKUs in e-commerce market

When working in eCommerce, there’s an awful lot of lingo to learn – from FBA and dropshipping to PPC and point-of-sale. But, perhaps the most important lingo of them all is SKU – the three letter acronym that has the power to transform your eCommerce store’s efficiency, reporting and profitability. So crucial are SKUs, that […]
eCommerce fast shipping best practices for 2019

Amazon Prime Same-Day delivery now covers more than 30% of the country, Shopify has just announced its two-day fulfilment network, eBay’s hiding expensive delivery options, and you’re still rocking last year’s shipping speeds. If you feel like a fish out of water when it comes to eCommerce shipping, read on, as we uncover the top […]