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December – The month of food, giving, food, receiving, food, some more food, drink and the following, not-to-be-missed eCommerce news:

eBay’s Family Newsletter

It was that time of year for the annual family newsletter and eBay’s didn’t disappoint; looking back on 12 months of eCommerce trends. Royal fever, coffee fanatics, throwback streetwear and e-connected homes all received a mention, with strappy sandals, women’s boots, diamond rings and statement necklaces all making the Christmas photograph – literally! Back in August eBay announced its new image search facility and in December, was ready to announce the top image searches across the holiday shopping season. eBay’s new search feature may be the future or may be a novelty but either way, it is set to increase eBay customers; meaning that if you’re not already selling on eBay ,alongside Amazon and Etsy, now is the time do it (and do it easily with Expandly!)

There Were Three In a Bed & The Bigger One Said…

Roll over! It was estimated that Amazon accounted for 44% of all US retail last year and shipped five billion items to its 2017 Prime customers. Which, by the way, had over four million people start their free trial or paid memberships for over the Christmas holidays, in only one week. Amazon has also been increasing its Amazon Basics offerings, with over 1700 products. Yes, Amazon is a competitor to your retail business but it’s increased offering also means that more online consumers are heading there, clearly, so be there to greet them too. Amazon has had a whirlwind year – we’re excited to see where 2018 will take them.

eBay Spread Some Christmas Joy

By protecting sellers from any negative feedback received as a direct result of the bad weather experienced in the UK, from 09 – 14 December. Reviewing and removing any negative feedback/ratings, eBay definitely showed some heart this festive period.

Whilst Amazon Went All Scrooge

Summer 2017 saw the UK’s Fulfilment by Amazon fees increase and December saw an announcement that the US’ fees would also change. Bah humbug! Although they were the saving grace for all those last-minute shoppers by allowing Christmas Day orders to be placed by 09:45 Christmas Eve – Who needs a petrol station!

Happy New Ye…But First Let Me Check eBay

Online traffic was up by 15% on New Year’s Eve and a huge 32% on New Year’s Day: Getting all that gym-wear gear and juicing machines ready!

The Best Things In Life Are Free

December also marked the event of Free Shipping Day on Friday 15 December, which helped to boost eCommerce sales and the postman’s parcel sack.

G’Day Mate – Take 2

After months of will they won’t they, Amazon finally got around to launching the full .au in Australia, coupled with an online TV ad; leading us all to question: How did Australians buy things before? Amazon Prime Australia – coming to a screen near you….tbc.

Happy Christmas

And on the 25th day we rested! The team at Expandly hope you all had a hugely successful December and an even more so successful 2017.

Here’s to a joyous January.