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The completely redesigned and totally new website offers visitors richer insight into the Company’s highly focused provision of multichannel management solutions for the small business.

Focussing on the tools that the small business requires when facing the challenges of running an established online retail business, the website is designed to allow clients to clearly find the tools they need to revolutionise their productivity and to protect their businesses from overselling.

The release of the new website coincides with a wider updating of Expandly’s branding. The new branding reflects the ongoing success of the business which has grown 100% in the last 6 months and provides a strong basis for an exciting future.

“At Expandly the small business is our lifeblood. It isn’t an annoyance, or a stop-gap as we wait for a bigger or better client to come along.

2016 saw many of the key players in the multichannel market move away from providing for and supporting small businesses in their growth, favouring the larger business and actively pricing the smaller organisations out of their portfolios. This is not the way we work at Expandly.

Expandly continues to dedicate itself and its business model towards helping the hundreds of thousands of small businesses reach their potential.

The new website, and our ever expanding customer base, was designed to really show how we at Expandly continue to value the small business above any other.

It’s you, as a small business, we want.”

2017 is shaping up to be a very good year for Expandly and we look forward to welcoming hundreds more small businesses to continue their growth with us.

Alan Wilson
CEO & Founder of Expandly