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T’was the night before sales, when throughout the warehouse,
Fingers were whirring with a task mammoth.
Parcels were stacked by the door with care,
In hope that DHL soon would be there.

The shoppers were nestled all snug in their beds,
Whilst visions of bargains danced in their heads.
Whilst I in my PJs, laptop still in my lap,
Was working myself into a pre-sales flap.

When out on the net there arose such a clatter,
I sprung open my browser to see what was the matter.
Away to Expandly I flew like a flash,
Typing away at the keyboard: bash, bash, bash.

To expandly.com my browser did go,
And all of my problems it seemed to know.
And, what to the wondering eyes should appear,
A multichannel platform that was all so clear.

With a fantastic team, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment that this must be it.
More rapid than manual, my listings they came,
And updated on platforms, all exactly the same.

“Now, Amazon! now, eBay! now, Etsy and Xero!
On, Shopify! On, ZenCart! On, WooCommerce and Magento!
To the top of the search results! To the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!”

As the orders came in and piled up high,
Expandly handled them all whilst I stood by.
Monitoring my inventory, Expandly just knew,
Whilst batch printing pick sheets and invoices too.

And then, in a twinkling, it made me go “ooph”
When I heard Royal Mail appear on my roof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Expandly printed my labels, all in the background.

From one central location, my sales listings input,
Then duplicated across platforms; was magic afoot?
The setup was easy, I was taken aback,
Could Expandly help keep multichannel selling on track?

The features-how they twinkled! Integrations, how many!
Expandly’s the cake, the dashboard the cherry.
Listings and orders, oh how they glow,
Reporting and accounting, just how does it know?

It soothed my stresses, I’d held underneath,
Oh, the ease this platform had now bequethed!
I could sit back, relax, watch Christmas telly,
Eat mince pies and fill up my belly.

The orders, they flew right off of the shelf,
But with Expandly I knew I was not by myself.
Inventory management was one step ahead,
Overselling stock, I was to no longer dread.

I spoke not a word, Expandly went straight to work,
Monitoring and reporting; no more guesswork.
Mistakes and time were no longer woes,
Up to the challenge, Expandly rose.

Any problems at all, I just had to whistle,
The Expandly team came, without any hassle.
Expandlys the answer, to any e-seller’s plight:
“Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!”