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Find out eBay’s Exciting New Features

We might not yet be as road-free as Doc predicted but we are at least half a step back to the future with word-free searching. Two New eBay Search Features eBay announced not one but two new futuristic developments last week: Image Search Allowing buyers to enter an image instead of text, this new eBay […]

Fingers on Buzzers: How to Win Amazon Buy Box

Not to be confused with beatboxing (but perhaps just as hard) Amazon’s Buy Box is at the top of any Amazon seller’s wish list and here’s why: What is the Amazon Buy Box? The Buy Box is the box on an Amazon product page where online buyers add an item to their basket. Simple? Hold that […]

It Could Be You – eBay Millionaires

We live in exciting times: Cars are driving themselves, shopping is being delivered by small pilotless aircrafts, you can control your heating from your phone and you no longer have to rely on seven lucky numbers in order to become a millionaire. Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Yes, that’s right – eBay now boasts […]

Royal Mail to Trial Doorstop Collection

Stop The Royal Mail is trialing a postal collection service for its residential customers over the next two months in Rochdale and Bexleyheath. Wait Up until now, small business users of the Royal Mail would usually be faced with multiple trips to the Post Office in order to keep up with their shipping demands. If successful, this […]

It’s Been a Bad Day: Top Tips to Avoid Listing Mistakes

We all make mistakes when we’re busy: Salt instead of sugar, keys on the wrong side of the door, hitting reply all – but plummeting the shares of Amazon, Google and Apple by nearly 87% goes down as a pretty big one.   Last week Nasdaq experienced a trading glitch whereby financial information interpreters wrongly […]

Multi-Channel Selling: Just do it

Nike has taken the plunge to start selling its products directly on Amazon; following a distinct lack of presence on the e-retailer giant’s website.   A pilot scheme will see a limited selection of Nike merchandise being sold directly on Amazon, which, if developed into a larger relationship, is predicted to increase the sports brand’s […]

Google’s Billions Fine Means that you should be Multichannel

The EU’s finding against Google‘s shopping comparison result practices shows why it is more important than ever to utilise multichannel selling.   An air-gulping €2.42 billion fine was ordered against Google this week for tweaking shopping comparison results so to give “prominent placing” to Google Shopping and not so prominent placing to rival companies. Although the EU is working hard to stamp out these practices, the take away is […]

Expandly Supporting the Local Community

Sunday 09 July saw Expandly support Newport Pagnell Carnival – an annual event that provides an opportunity for the local community to raise awareness and funds for their chosen charities and causes.   Armed with little more than a paint brush, scissors and a ball of string, the team at Expandly set about decorating a […]

Expandly Expands into Italy

Expandly are delighted to welcome their first customer from Italy; adding to our total number of countries (and counting!)   Italy, boasting the third largest economy in Europe, has seen their e-commerce sales boom in recent years; with e-retailers such as Amazon and eBay all topping the preferred online retailer list. And, with Italian online […]

Amazon Prime Day: An Example of Why You Should Sell On Multichannels

In case you missed it, this month starred one of the biggest dates in Amazon’s calendar: Prime Day.   As you would expect, online shoppers flocked to the eCommerce’s website in order to gain the offer of a lifetime for them; and the best sales day (ever) for Amazon. What you might not have expected […]

Expandly Launch New Website Supporting Small Businesses

The completely redesigned and totally new website offers visitors richer insight into the Company’s highly focused provision of multichannel management solutions for the small business. Focussing on the tools that the small business requires when facing the challenges of running an established online retail business, the website is designed to allow clients to clearly find […]