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Last Sunday, our CEO Alan Wilson was invited to judge the local Young Enterprise trade fair in Milton Keynes. 

Young Enterprise is a national charity, aimed at equipping young people with the skills, knowledge and confidence to change the world.

Every year, teams of students across the country are tasked with setting up and running their own company. They can experience naming a business and sourcing a product, as well as managing finances and sales.

The students also have the opportunity to trade in a real-life setting, at a local Young Enterprise trade fair. They get to interact with and sell to the public, all while being judged by carefully selected panel of local business people.

This year, Alan was tasked with judging the Milton Keynes’ YE trade fair, where they had a record 42 teams take part.

“I love entrepreneurship, and it’s really pleasing to see the next generation coming through with great innovative ideas.

“Young Enterprise is a great platform that has a large part in shaping our future economy by giving valuable skills to these youngsters.”

Well done to all of those involved, especially the winners.

If you’d like to get involved in your local Young Enterprise scheme, find out more details here.