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We live in exciting times: Cars are driving themselves, shopping is being delivered by small pilotless aircrafts, you can control your heating from your phone and you no longer have to rely on seven lucky numbers in order to become a millionaire.

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?

Yes, that’s right – eBay now boasts almost 2,000 EU sellers who are turning in excess of £/€1million and the good news is, that number is set to continue rising.

Since 2013 eBay has nearly doubled its millionaire sellers, with the UK and Germany coming out tops; thanks to its 169 million buyers, global access and $84 billion worth of sales last year alone.

Fashion, home & garden and electronics are the big money balls of the moment, as is cross-border trading – with businesses exporting to an average of 20 different countries. And with multichannel management software integrating your shopping cart, eBay, Amazon and Etsy all in one place, it’s an excellent example of how turning a hobby into a business is more easy and possible than ever before.

I do!

This news was released ahead of the 2017 eBay for Business Awards, which recognise the top and the up-and-coming eBay talent, with a chance to win £5,000 and a trip to the US or six £1,000 runner up prizes.

The deadline for entry is 13 August 2017 so be quick–It could be you.