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Your website is about the size of a needle in a haystack when it comes to the big wide world of the web. So you should be doing all you can to make it visible as much as possible, in other words, SEO. SEO refers to the process of taking part in a series of processes that will improve the visibility in organic search results. At the end of the day, it gets dark, and a site that appears higher up in the search results will end up getting more traffic.

If you work in an industry with tough competition, then you are likely to be fighting a losing battle with SEO unless you put your money where your mouth is and invest in an experienced SEO expert.

An SEO expert will give you a much better chance of winning the first page of the search results, but this is not a process that takes place overnight.

The algorithms used by search engine giants, such as Google and Microsoft’s Bing, apply a range of methods to help determine the order of their results. These are always subject to tweaks and improvements as they are consistently trying to deliver the most accurate search results for users.

Although the basic principles are likely to stay the same, it pays to stay as up-to-date as you can on the changes taking place or are set to take place in the future.

So, what lies ahead for us in the search engines world?

This useful infographic shows that the majority of searches are now conducted on mobile devices, or are switching to them. This change is pushing search engines to roll with the trends and require mobile-friendly websites.

Voice search is a rapidly growing industry, and with the rise of voice assistance and voice recognition technology, businesses need to make the necessary changes to optimise their websites for voice search.

Google is increasingly placing importance on Google answer box terms, meaning that you should be doing the same.

The infographic below gives you a better understanding of what SEO looking like in 2018 and beyond.


SEO Tribunal

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