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Shopify is one of the many eCommerce platforms that Expandly integrates with but less about us and more about them – Who are Shopify, what do they do and how can they get people to Shopify from you. 


Shopify is an eCommerce platform that enables you to set up a webstore that includes a storefront, checkout and blogs.

Snow Good – We’ll Have To Build Our Own

In 2004, Tobias Lütke, Daniel Weinand and Scott Lake wanted to sell snowboarding equipment online. Unable to find a platform that allowed them to sell and build their own brand and customer relationships, they built their own. They soon realised that others too wanted a slice of the ice and so, two years later, they launched the Shopify platform for all.

Making Commerce Better For Everyone

Shopify’s aim is to make commerce better for everyone; allowing businesses to concentrate on building and selling their products. In recognition of this, they launched an API platform and the Shopify App Store in 2009, to enable developers to create Shopify apps/integrations, available for purchase in the store.


They began as a team of five, working from a local coffee shop and now they have to share the coffee machine with a team of over 3,000, in five different American offices. That’s a lot of coffee. It’s also a lot of:

Stores – they have over 600,000 active Shopify stores

Sales – they’ve had over $55 billion worth of sales

Results – You might recall from our February News Roundup, that Shopify had enviable Q4 results with a 71% increase in total revenue and gross profits of $121.1 million

Best Bits

And if it already sounds like Shopify is the dream, wait until you get to their best bits:

Custom domain – You can have your own domain name so that you can maintain and build your business’ brand.

Themes – With over 100 free and paid for themes, you don’t need any design skills in order to have a flashy website Even better; your Shopify store is mobile-ready.

Control – Your Shopify webstore is fully customisable, enabling you to tailor it to your business’ style.

Payments – Your Shopify store accepts payments and is instantly set up to accept credit cards.

Blogs – Each website comes with a full blogging platform (which we like. A lot.)

How To Set Up

Head over here for a free 7-day trial and begin creating your new web store today. It really is that easy.

How To Link With Expandly

Linking your Shopify website with your Amazon, eBay and Etsy accounts is also super simple with Expandly. Head over to the Shopify App Store to link your Expandly account with Shopify and start listing on multiple sales channel(s) today.



About Expandly

Expandly is multichannel management software that allows you to manage your Shopify account, alongside your other marketplaces and website, all from one central location.

Find out how easy it really is with a demo